Transaction Description
Gemstone Capital acted as financial advisor for Qlife in the transaction. The transaction was a directed issue of convertibles, the issue raised gross proceeds of SEK 4,647,035 prior to deduction of transaction costs. The loan has a 12-month term to maturity on 31 July 2024. The lenders are a consortium of microcap-investors, they have the right to request conversion of the convertibles (amount owed, increased with set-up fee, ref. below) at a conversion price of SEK 0.08 per share, corresponding to the quota value of the Company’s shares.
Contact Person
Company Description
Qlife has developed and patented the Egoo Health test platform, which integrates several technologies that potentially can test for a wide range of biomarkers and viruses – protein-based and molecular. The technology is intended to be easy to use, cost-effective, and suitable for use in people’s homes or decentralized testing sites. Qlife is focused on the Hospital-at-Home market, a B2B market that represents a global trend where healthcare facilities worldwide actively explore opportunities to provide medical care to patients at home instead of in hospitals. The primary challenge in enabling home patient care lies in accessing high-quality clinical blood data without the need for hospitalization or visits by medical personnel. Not all patients can be cared for at home, but a significant proportion of stable patients can benefit from this approach. A prerequisite is the consistent collection of important clinical biomarker data that can be continuously monitored by healthcare professionals.
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